SemiconParts is the best partner for finding the parts for your semiconductor equipment. We support parts for all the major semiconductor Tools and OEMs: Applied Materials, LAM, Tokyo Electronics TEL, ASML, Novellus etc. We ship semiconductor spare parts all over the world. Since all our products in the web-shop are priced and immediately available, we provide the fastest and transparent manner to get your parts.

Our role is to help customers meet marketplace demands for higher quality and reduced costs.

Our strategy is precise but not formulaic; our estimating is thoughtful; our logistics planning is creative; and our customer service is unmatched.

Our first commitment is to meet your unique requirements effectively and efficiently, without holding off or rework, using our experience and earliest delivery time accurately and realistically.

We connect proficiently among our own departments, and we keep peer-to-peer communication lines open from your shop to ours, to avoid wire bridging and delays down the line.